Tuesday, April 14, 2009


You are privileged to be Americans. You are privileged to be able to read, let alone read what you want. Most of all, you are privileged to be reading the first post of the greatest blog ever written. We will be discussing (well, I will be thinking and typing, and you will be reading and digesting) mostly things of a political nature, although my varying interests and domains of excellence will surely lead me astray from this field from time to time. As the title suggests, I may or may not have some conservative leanings. I will in no way attempt to be "fair and balanced" or "unbiased" or anything that is not true to who I am and what you should aim to be. Those who claim to be "unbiased" are masking their incompetency in the mud of indecision, and those who claim to be "fair and balanced" are rarely either.

It is important for you all to know my spheres of expertise. To begin with, I am a couple of quarters of language classes (German) away from graduating from Ashland University with a B.A. in Political Science, and a plethora of minors, including Economics. I am actually creating this blog while sitting in Intermediate Micro-Economics, showing my mastery of the subject in that I am even taking the course. I will probably go to law school at some point, but for now I am going to try and get by on my good looks and clever tongue (along with getting some sort of "job" if I must). I was Chairman and High Chancellor of the College Republicans this past academic year. If you are questioning my abilities, due to a major liberal bitch-slap my beloved GOP received this past election, stop it! In Ashland County, John McCain won over 60% of the vote, and I personally take credit for that, and it has nothing to do with the fact that Ashland County is one of the most conservative counties in the world (yes, the entire world is broken down into counties). I also held a pretentious, intellectual sounding title , one that I am sure none of you would understand, (The Noble Sophist) in Philosophy Club, so you can safely assume I am a master of Philosophy as well as the doyen of Politics, Economics, History, Theology, and Landscape Design.

I will soon be traversing to the local bowling alley to participate in a class that was taken as to better understand the American experience, not simply so I could remain a full-time student. I must cut my masterful pontification short for now, but do not cry, there will be more to come. I will have to think of a sign-off slogan sooner or later, but for now, I will just stop typing after I reach a point of grammatical completeness.